Sentinel-2 imagery dataset for irrigation detection
Sentinel-2 imagery dataset for irrigation detection -
Visual collection dataset for irrigation detection
Visual collection dataset for irrigation detection -
Ground collection dataset for irrigation detection
Ground collection dataset for irrigation detection -
AI-TOD remote sensing dataset
The AI-TOD remote sensing dataset is used for detecting dense small objects in aerial images. -
CropHarvest is a global dataset for crop-type classification. -
EUROCROPSML: A Time Series Benchmark Dataset
EUROCROPSML is an analysis-ready remote sensing machine learning dataset for time series crop type classification of agricultural parcels in Europe. -
IASI Level 1
The dataset used in the paper is IASI Level 1 data, which is a high spectral resolution sounding data. -
Botswana dataset
Hyperspectral remote sensing images have high dimensionality and a large number of channels with substantial redundancy between channels. The training data for classifying HSRS... -
Remote Sensing Image Captioning
Remote Sensing Image Captioning Dataset (RSICD) and UCM-captions dataset for remote sensing image captioning -
CDD dataset
The CDD dataset contains 11 pairs of bi-temporal images obtained from Google Earth in different seasons with a spatial resolution ranging from 3 to 100 cm per pixel. -
An End-to-end Supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for Cross-Domain Change ...
Change detection is a crucial but extremely challenging task in remote sensing image analysis, and much progress has been made with the rapid development of deep learning.... -
The dataset used in this paper for multi-label remote sensing image classification. -
Sentinel-1 dataset
Sentinel-1 dataset used for SAR despeckling experiments -
AID dataset
The AID dataset is a benchmark for scene classification in remote sensing. It contains aerial images with 30 scene types. -
Remote Sensing Image Change Detection with Transformers
Change detection in high-resolution remote sensing images using a bitemporal image transformer (BIT) -
Simple Styled Map Tiles and Target Styled Map Tiles
This dataset consists of 1,088 simple styled map tiles and their corresponding target styled map tiles.