Robot Arm Prosthetic Dataset
The dataset used for testing the robot arm prosthetic. -
Reference Motion Dataset
The reference motion dataset is a collection of reference motions for locomotion skills, including canter, pace, walk, trot, turns, backflips, and various jumps. -
Versatile Instructable Motion prior (VIM)
The Versatile Instructable Motion prior (VIM) dataset is a comprehensive reference motion dataset for legged robots, comprising mocap sequences, synthetic motion sequences, and... -
Multi-step Pick and Place
The Multi-step Pick and Place dataset is a collection of images and labels used for training a visual representation that can bridge the sim2real visual gap. -
Stack Object
The Stack Object dataset is a collection of images and labels used for training a visual representation that can bridge the sim2real visual gap. -
The Lang4Sim2Real dataset is a collection of image-language pairs used for training a visual representation that can bridge the sim2real visual gap. -
TriFinger Dataset
TriFinger dataset for offline reinforcement learning -
MAX Robot Motion Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of motion data for the MAX robot, including walking, running, jumping, and sitting motions. -
Animal Motion Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of animal motion data, including walking, running, jumping, and sitting motions. -
EuRoC MAV Dataset
A dataset for visual odometry, containing 11 sequences with provided ground-truth poses. -
Oxford Radar RobotCar dataset
The Oxford Radar RobotCar dataset is a radar extension to the Oxford RobotCar dataset, containing radar observations of a vehicle in various scenarios. -
Dynamics-Guided Diffusion Model
Dynamics-Guided Diffusion Model for generating manipulator geometry designs for unseen tasks -
6-DoFusion dataset is used to train and evaluate the model for 6-DoF object placement in cluttered environments. -
TidySim: A 3D object rearrangement simulator
The dataset is a collection of 75 user-generated scenes for a tidying task, where users are asked to arrange objects in a tidy manner. -
WeakPair dataset
Weakly-paired image style translation dataset for robotic applications -
NAO robot database
The NAO robot database published in [1] which includes images taken in various game situations and under different illumination conditions. -
RIO-10 dataset
The RIO-10 dataset contains 10 real indoor environments with varying lighting conditions, camera positions, and object arrangements.