4 datasets found

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  • AUSLAN dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a multivariate time series dataset, consisting of sequences of sign language data, where each signal is a function from {t1, t2,..., tN} to R22.
  • CSL-Daily

    CSL-Daily is a Chinese sign language (CSL) dataset that mainly focuses on people’s daily lives. It includes 18401, 1077, and 1176 available examples in the training, validation,...
  • PHOENIX-2014T

    PHOENIX-2014T is a German sign language (DGS) dataset that mainly includes weather forecast content from TV programs. It consists of 7096, 519, and 642 video text pairs in...
  • How2Sign

    How2Sign is a large-scale continuous American Sign Language (ASL) dataset. After removing invalid text-video pairs, we retain 31019, 1738, and 2348 available pairs in the...