DSSE: a Drone Swarm Search Environment
A Drone Swarm Search environment, based on PETTINGZOO, that is to be used in conjunction with multi-agent (or single-agent) reinforcement learning algorithms. -
Ray-Tracing Simulation
A ray-tracing simulation was conducted to predict pseudorange biases caused by reflections due to buildings in an urban environment. -
3D Terrain and Building Map
A 3D terrain and building map of the simulation area and 3D terrain and building map from 3dbuildings. -
Franka Kitchen
The Franka Kitchen environment is a challenging long-range control problem, which involves a simulated 9-DOF Franka Emika Robot in a kitchen setting. -
CARLA Simulator
The CARLA simulator dataset is used for vehicle trajectory control. It contains a test track at ZF Friedrichshafen AG, where the start position is indicated by an arrow and the... -
Simulated Case Study
A simulated case study is designed to evaluate the performances of the proposed approaches under known and controlled conditions. -
Simulated scenarios
Simulated scenarios for testing the proposed methodology. -
Sim1 Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the Sim1 dataset, which is a simulated dataset used for testing and tuning the reduced order probabilistic emulator (ROPE) model. -
Simulation Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a simulation dataset, which includes the speed and acceleration profiles of vehicles in different scenarios. -
Driving behavior dataset
Driving behavior dataset collected from drivers using a driving simulator. -
Diffusion bridges
The dataset used in the paper is a simulation of diffusion bridges, which are diffusion processes that are conditioned to initialize and terminate at two given states. -
Bouncing Ball dataset
The Bouncing Ball dataset is a simulation of multiple balls moving around in a two-dimensional space surrounded by walls on all four sides. -
Simulated DW-MRI data
Simulated DW-MRI data for mean kurtosis estimation