Third International Stroke Trial (IST-3) dataset
The Third International Stroke Trial (IST-3) dataset is a large collection of CT brain scans from patients with acute ischemic stroke. -
Framework to generate perfusion map from CT and CTA images in patients with a...
A framework to generate a predicted perfusion map from CT and CTA images in patients with acute ischemic stroke -
ISLES18 dataset
The ISLES18 dataset is a public multi-center and multi-scanner dataset used for perfusion imaging in acute ischemic stroke. -
AIFNet: Automatic Vascular Function Estimation for Perfusion Analysis Using D...
Perfusion imaging is crucial in acute ischemic stroke for quantifying the salvageable penumbra and irreversibly damaged core lesions. -
Neural Network-derived perfusion maps: A Model-free approach to computed tomo...
A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can generate clinically relevant parametric maps from CT perfusion data in a clinical setting of patients with acute ischemic stroke. -
1000Plus study
Clinical evaluation of an arterial-spin-labeling product sequence in steno-occlusive disease of the brain -
ATLAS dataset
The ATLAS dataset is used for stroke MRI generation. The dataset contains 220 T1w images, which have diverse stroke lesions.