fMRI dataset
The dataset used in this study is a large-scale fMRI dataset acquired from 499 healthy adults. The dataset contains task-evoked fMRI data, which is preprocessed and registered... -
Causal Transfer Random Forest
The dataset used in the paper is a combination of logged data and randomized experiment data. -
Continuous Transfer Learning with Label-informed Distribution Alignment
This paper proposes a novel continuous transfer learning setting with a time evolving target domain. -
Factors of Transferability for a Generic ConvNet Representation
The dataset is used for transfer learning and feature extraction. -
SHiFT: An Efficient, Flexible Search Engine for Transfer Learning
SHiFT is a search engine for transfer learning that allows users to efficiently and flexibly search for pre-trained models. -
Grid World Navigation Task
The dataset used in the paper is a grid world navigation task with four actions: up, down, left, or right. Transitions are stochastic and with a 5% probability the agent moves... -
One-Shot Transfer Learning of Physics-Informed Neural Networks
The dataset used in this paper for one-shot transfer learning of physics-informed neural networks. -
Heritage-Health-Transfer: A modified version of the Heritage Health dataset, focusing on transfer tasks. -
ACS-Transfer: A modified version of the ACS dataset, focusing on transfer tasks. -
Estimation of Fusarium head blight severity
A dataset used for estimating Fusarium head blight severity based on transfer learning. -
Transformer-based Map Matching Model with Limited Ground-Truth Data using Tra...
This study proposes a framework for developing a novel deep learning-based map-matching model in the limited ground-truth data environment. -
Transfer Learning for Short-Term Wind Speed Prediction
The dataset used for short-term wind speed prediction using transfer learning. -
The dataset used for transfer learning tasks. -
Adaptive Feature Ranking for Unsupervised Transfer Learning
Transfer Learning is concerned with the application of knowledge gained from solving a problem to a different but related problem domain. In this paper, we propose a method and...