StyleGAN-V for video generation -
MoCoGAN-HD for video generation -
The dataset used for training the video model consists of Webvid-10M, a large-scale dataset of short videos with textual descriptions. -
UCF-101, Sky Time-lapse, and Taichi datasets
UCF-101, Sky Time-lapse, and Taichi datasets are used for video generation tasks. -
Video-Infinity: Distributed Long Video Generation
Diffusion models have recently achieved remarkable results for video generation. Despite the encouraging performances, the generated videos are typically constrained to a small... -
Video In-Context Learning
Video In-Context Learning (Vid-ICL) is a novel framework that extends in-context learning to video data. -
Lumiere: A Space-Time Diffusion Model for Video Generation
A dataset for video generation and video-based tasks. -
Masked Conditional Video Diffusion for Prediction, Generation, and Interpolation
Video prediction is a challenging task. The quality of video frames from current state-of-the-art (SOTA) generative models tends to be poor and generalization beyond the... -
Airplanes Dataset
The dataset used for video generation and evaluation of the proposed iVGAN model. -
Stabilized Videos
The dataset used for video generation and evaluation of the proposed iVGAN model. -
Open-Sora Plan
The dataset used in this paper for text-to-video generation, consisting of short video clips. -
The dataset used in this paper for text-to-video generation, consisting of short video clips. -
The dataset used in this paper for text-to-video generation, consisting of short video clips. -
MUG Facial Expression
A dataset of MUG facial expression, consisting of videos of 52 actors performing 6 different facial expressions. -
S3VAE: Self-Supervised Sequential VAE
A sequential variational autoencoder for sequential data, including videos and audios, with self-supervision and regularization.