Leibniz University Hannover
Experimental characterization of additively manufactured particle dampers
Dieser Datensatz beinhaltet umfangreiche experimentelle Versuchsdaten anhand derer der Effekt der Partikeldämpfung charakterisiert werden konnte. Die Partikeldämpfer weisen die... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Portfolio of Capability Constraint Network
The data represent a Portfolio of Capability Constraint Network of a multimaterial shaft from the Collaborative Research Center 1153. -
Leibniz University Hannover
Analysis of failure mechanisms of additively manufactured graded lattice stru...
This dataset was created as part of a student project and contains microCT data from additively manufactured tensile specimens with different lattice structures, images of the... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Use-Case-Katalog Metal Additive Repair/Refurbishment
In dem Katalog werden Anwendungsfälle der Reparatur und Modernisierung von metallischen Bauteilen mittels additiver Fertigungsverfahren zusammengefasst. Der Katalog stellt eine... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Files for Constraint Solver "Sorting Box"
This data set contains the original Autodesk Inventor CAD-Assembly-File with the embedded Macro for the CSP-based configurator of the sorting box example. Additionally, the code...