AICrowd Mapping Challenge dataset
AICrowd Mapping Challenge dataset contains 300 × 300 pixels RGB images and corresponding annotations in MS-COCO format. -
Fruits-360 dataset
A new and complex database of images with fruits. Also, some numerical experiments by using TensorFlow library in order to classify the images according to their content. -
Amazon Picking Challenge 2016 Dataset
The dataset used in the Amazon Picking Challenge 2016, a vision-based robotic picking system developed by Team Applied Robotics. -
Specs on Faces (SoF) dataset
The Specs on Faces (SoF) dataset is a challenging dataset for face detection, recognition, and classification. -
Face Recognition Technology (FERET) dataset
The Face Recognition Technology (FERET) dataset consists of 14,126 images for 1199 different persons. -
ShanghaiTech PartA and PartB
ShanghaiTech PartA and PartB datasets for crowd counting and localization. -
CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny ImageNet, ImageNet
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors used CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny ImageNet, and ImageNet datasets. -
The dataset for Symmetry-awareDepthEstimationusingDeepNeuralNetworks, containing product images with reflection symmetry. -
StateFarm’s Distracted Driver Detection Dataset
A dataset for driver behavior recognition, includes images of drivers with different behaviors. -
Southeast University Distracted Driver Dataset
A dataset for driving posture recognition, includes images of drivers with different postures. -
American University in Cairo (AUC) Distracted Driver’s Dataset
A new dataset for distracted driver posture estimation, proposed a novel system that achieves 95.98% driving posture estimation classification accuracy. -
Deep Depth From Focus
Depth from focus (DFF) is a highly ill-posed inverse problem because the optimal focal distance is inferred from sharpness measures which fail in untextured areas. Existing... -
nuScenes Scene Flow
Self-driving dataset for scene flow estimation -
Argoverse Scene Flow
Self-driving dataset for scene flow estimation -
KITTI Scene Flow
Self-driving dataset for scene flow estimation -
Waymo Open Motion Dataset (WOMD)
The WOMD dataset is a large-scale interactive motion forecasting dataset for autonomous driving, which includes 2 million agents and 6 motion trajectories for 8 seconds in the... -
Non-line-of-sight reconstruction using efficient transient rendering
Non-line-of-sight reconstruction using efficient transient rendering -
3D-R2N2: A Unified Approach for Single and Multi-View 3D Object Reconstruction
3D-R2N2: A Unified Approach for Single and Multi-View 3D Object Reconstruction -
Occlusion Fields
Non-line-of-sight scene reconstruction using time-of-flight measurements -
V2R Mirrors or Windows
The dataset is used to demonstrate a new interaction paradigm in virtual reality environments, which consists of a virtual mirror or window projected onto a virtual surface.