Our Own Dataset
The dataset used for prostate cancer segmentation and detection using Mask-RCNN model. -
PROSTATEx-2 Challenge
The dataset used for prostate cancer segmentation and detection using Mask-RCNN model. -
Rectal Cancer Dataset
The dataset used in this study contains preoperative clinical information and MRI scans of 900 rectal cancer patients. -
Prostate Cancer Dataset
The prostate cancer dataset used in the paper is a real dataset with 102 samples, 52 from prostate cancer tumors and 50 from healthy tissue. -
Breast Cancer Diagnosis Dataset
The dataset used in this study for breast cancer diagnosis using biophysical ultrasound features utilizing machine learning. -
CBIS-DDSM1 and Dream2
Two publicly available digital mammography datasets used for training and performance validation of the compression engines. -
A benchmark Abdominal Adipose Tissue CT Image Dataset (AATTCT-IDS) for image denoising, semantic segmentation, and radiomics evaluation. -
NIH ChestX-ray14 dataset
A dataset of real chest X-ray images for testing the bone structure extraction and enhancement model. -
LUNA16 dataset
LUNA16 dataset is a subset of the largest public dataset for pulmonary nodules, the LIDC-IDRI dataset. -
kneeMRI dataset
The kneeMRI dataset is a collection of sagittal proton-density weighted knee scans. -
Patient Data
A dataset of patient data for evaluating the performance of the proposed method. -
Phantom Data
The dataset is used to test the performance of the machine learning model for strain estimation and frame selection in ultrasound elastography. -
AAA Dataset
A dataset of pre-operative 3D CT scans and corresponding intra-operative 2D fluoroscopic images of AAA. -
Brats dataset
The Brats dataset contains T1-w MR brain images of healthy subjects and patients with brain tumors. -
Head and Neck PET-CT dataset
Head and Neck PET-CT dataset from the Cancer Image Archive (TCIA) used for evaluating the proposed feature gradient flow method for interpreting deep neural networks in head and... -
Mitosis Detection Dataset
The dataset used for mitosis detection in breast cancer histology images with deep neural networks. -
Breast Cancer Segmentation Dataset
The dataset used for automatic glandular and tubule region segmentation in histological grading of breast cancer. -
Tubule Segmentation Dataset
The dataset used for tubule segmentation of inhomogeneity images based on convolutional neural networks with fluorescence microscopy correction.