MRI Super-Resolution Reconstruction
MRI images super-resolution reconstruction using deep learning techniques -
CPC-Paired Dataset
The CPC-Paired Dataset is a dataset used for colorectal polyp classification, consisting of paired white-light (WL) and narrow-band imaging (NBI) images. -
2016 Low-Dose CT Grand Challenge Dataset
A dataset of low-dose CT images used for training and testing low-dose CT reconstruction algorithms -
Blind CT Image Quality Assessment Using DDPM-Derived Content and Transformer-...
Blind CT image quality assessment using DDPM-derived content and transformer-based evaluator -
MB-DECTNet: A Model-Based Unrolled Network for Accurate 3D DECT Reconstruction
The dataset used in the paper is a set of dual-energy CT sinograms and reconstructed images. -
Chest X-Ray Images Pneumonia
The dataset of Chest X-Ray Images Pneumonia -
Diabetic Retinopathy Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is not explicitly described. However, it is mentioned that the authors used a dataset for medical image classification, specifically for diabetic... -
The DeepLesion dataset is a large-scale dataset containing measurements and 2D bounding-boxes of over 32K lesions from a variety of body parts on computed tomography (CT) images. -
Small dataset of Common Imaging Signs of Lung diseases (CISLs)
The dataset used in this paper is a small dataset of Common Imaging Signs of Lung diseases (CISLs) with 696 samples. -
LISS database of Common Imaging Signs of Lung diseases (CISLs)
The LISS database of Common Imaging Signs of Lung diseases (CISLs) contains 9 types of CISLs, including Ground Glass Opacity (GGO), lobulation, calcification, Cavity &... -
E2D Hippocampus Segmentation
Hippocampus segmentation dataset used in the paper -
MRI-CT dataset
MRI dataset consisting of 302 unlabeled volumes and CT dataset consisting of 613 unlabeled and 20 labeled volumes. -
Cardiac Atlas database
Cardiac Atlas database containing short-axis cine MRI images of 100 patients with coronary artery disease and prior myocardial infarction. -
Chest X-ray dataset for abnormality localization in heterogeneous data with cross-domain self-supervised learning