DFNet: Discriminative feature extraction and integration network for salient ...
The proposed method for saliency detection task, which is composed of two main modules. -
A large-scale point cloud classification benchmark, focusing on semantic segmentation of urban scenes. -
Beta-VAE for Audio Signal Processing in Canteras
Dataset of sound records from different points of the processing line in canteras -
Deep learning to improve breast cancer detection on screening mammography
A deep learning approach for breast cancer detection on screening mammography. -
TDT4173 - Method Paper
A survey of the foundations, selected improvements, and some current applications of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). -
CelebA, LFWA, and RaFD datasets
The datasets used in this paper are CelebA, LFWA, and RaFD. -
A Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Video Object Segmentation
A benchmark dataset and evaluation methodology for video object segmentation. -
Frozen in Time: A Joint Video and Image Encoder for End-to-End Retrieval
Frozen in time: A joint video and image encoder for end-to-end retrieval. -
Video Colorization with Pre-trained Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
Video colorization is a challenging task that involves inferring plausible and temporally consistent colors for grayscale frames. -
LUNA16 Challenge dataset
The dataset is used for training and testing the proposed model. -
Liver Tumor Segmentation Challenge dataset
The dataset is used for evaluating the performance of the proposed model. -
Kidney Tumor Segmentation Challenge dataset
The dataset is used for training and testing the proposed model. -
Lower Limb Prosthetics
The dataset used for the study of Lower Limb Prosthetics. -
Cyborg Bionic-Leg - V2
The dataset used for the development of a conscious brain mind-controlled Cybonthitic cyborg bionic-leg to provide a professional solution for lower limb amputations. -
Wizard of Wikipedia
Wizard of Wikipedia is a recent, large-scale dataset of multi-turn knowledge-grounded dialogues between a “apprentice” and a “wizard”, who has access to information from...