Chinese Poetry
The Chinese Poetry dataset is a dataset of Chinese poems used for language modeling. -
Multi-Frequency Information Enhanced Channel Attention Module for Speaker Rep...
Speaker verification (SV) is a task aiming at identifying the true characteristics of a speaker and accepting or discarding the identity claimed by the speaker. -
Voice conversion (VC) can be achieved by first extracting source content information and target speaker information, and then reconstructing waveform with these information. -
PeerRead Dataset
The paper presents the PeerRead dataset for testing the sparse deep generative model. -
Synthetic Data
The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic dataset for off-policy contextual bandits, with contexts x ∈ X, a finite set of actions A, and bounded real rewards r ∈ A → [0, 1]. -
The dataset used in the paper for 3D scene generation from text descriptions. -
Allen Human Brain Atlas and BigBrain Initiative
Two publicly available datasets with histological sections and an ex vivo 3D MRI of the same subject. A 3D similarity transform between the stack of histological sections and... -
FreqMipAA: Frequency Domain Anti-Aliasing for Neural Radiance Fields
Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have shown remarkable suc-cess in representing 3D scenes and generating novel views. However, they often struggle with aliasing artifacts,... -
A dataset for landsurface forecasting task on the African continent, containing Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, weather variables, and topography. -
Developing Human Connectome Project
Developing Human Connectome Project (DHCP) dataset -
TreeSketchNet: From Sketch to 3D Tree Parameters Generation
The dataset consists of synthetic-generated (SG) sketches of 3D trees, associated with Weber-Penn parameters generated by a dedicated Blender modelling software add-on. -
Super Mario Bros
The dataset used in the Generative Adversarial Exploration for Reinforcement Learning paper. -
ASPIRE Registry
The ASPIRE Registry dataset contains data from patients who underwent MRI and RHC within 48 hours. -
Multimodal Variational Autoencoder for Cardiac Hemodynamics Instability Detec...
A multimodal variational autoencoder for low-cost cardiac hemodynamics instability detection from CXR and ECG. -
LESS: LargE-Scale remote sensing data and image simulation framework
The LESS dataset contains soil spectral reflectance data.