Using-machine-learning-to-detect-malicious-urls -
Phishstorm phishing/legitimate url dataset
Phishstorm phishing/legitimate url dataset -
Malicious urls dataset
Malicious urls dataset -
Sms phishing dataset
Sms phishing dataset for machine learning and pattern recognition -
Smishing and URL Phishing detection
Smishing and URL Phishing detection datasets -
The RenderDiffusion dataset is a dataset used in the paper LN3Diff: Scalable Latent Neural Fields Diffusion for Speedy 3D Generation -
AUTOMI CT dataset
The AUTOMI CT dataset, consisting of full-body CT scans from the Humanitas Research Hospital in Milan. -
CHAOS CT and MRI dataset
The dataset used in this work, consisting of CT scans of the abdominal region from the CHAOS challenge, and MRI scans of the same region from the CHAOS challenge. -
WildVidFit: Video Virtual Try-On in the Wild
Video virtual try-on aims to generate realistic sequences that maintain garment identity and adapt to a person's pose and body shape in source videos. -
TIMIT, Aurora-4, AMI, and LibriSpeech
Four different corpora are used for our experiments, which are TIMIT, Aurora-4, AMI, and LibriSpeech. TIMIT contains broadband 16kHz recordings of phonetically-balanced read... -
Private Dataset
A private dataset of UAV-borne remote sensing images with a resolution between 10000×10000 and 20000×20000 is constructed. Each remote sensing image which corresponds to the red... -
PEMS-BAY Dataset
The dataset from the California Transportation Agency contains average traffic speed. -
Hague Dataset
The dataset is used for traffic flow prediction and contains aggregated traffic flow values, vehicle volume, and speed data. -
Tunnel Try-on
The Tunnel Try-on dataset is a collection of videos with product garment images. -
CaDM: Codec-aware Diffusion Modeling for Neural-enhanced Video Streaming
Recent years have witnessed the dramatic growth of Internet video traffic, where the video bitstreams are often compressed and delivered in low quality to fit the streamer’s... -
COCO-Stuff 10K
Scene segmentation in images is a fundamental yet challenging problem in visual content understanding, which is to learn a model to assign every image pixel to a categorical label.