Leibniz University Hannover
ICF IFAC 2023 Videos
In this repository, we provide the video files that show the simulations of the paper: Marvin Becker, Philipp Caspers, Tom Hattendorf, Torsten Lilge, Sami Haddadin, and Matthias... -
Leibniz University Hannover
eDDPC: Sample- and computationally efficient data-driven predictive control
This file contains the Matlab scripts used to generate the results of the paper "Sample- and computationally efficient data-driven predictive control",... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Circular Fields for Robot Soccer
This repository contains the supplementary data of the paper: "Circular Field Motion Planning for Highly-Dynamic Multi-Robot Systems with Application to Robot Soccer". In this... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Predictive Multi-Agent based Planning and Landing Controller for Reactive Dua...
This repository contains the supplementary data of the paper: "Predictive Multi-Agent based Planning and Landing Controller for Reactive Dual-Arm Manipulation", which originates... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Motion Planning using Reactive Circular Fields: A 2D Analysis of Collision Av...
In this repository, we provide the video files that show the simulations of the paper: "Motion Planning using Reactive Circular Fields: A 2D Analysis of Collision Avoidance and... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Matlab/Simulink Files: Mathematical Modeling of Thyroid Homeostasis: Implicat...
These Matlab/Simulink Files were used to generate the plots for the submitted paper „Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Thyroid Homeostasis: Implications for the...