GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Topographical map 1: 10 000-3140-NO Neustadt (Dosse) (2007)
The topographic map in the 1:10,000 scale is the basic measure of Brandenburg’s topographic maps. The Earth’s surface is relatively complete (only slightly generalised) and... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Development plan Rahlstedt 61 Hamburg
The development plan Rahlstedt 61 for the area of application Güstrower Weg-Bahnanlagen-Wandse-Hordgrenze of the parcel 382 of the district Neu-Rahlstedt-Parchimer... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Nr. 16 "Am Heerberge"
B-Plan Nr. 16 "Am Heerberge" vom 30.12.2002, Ortsteil Eltze -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
The development plan contains the legally binding stipulations for the urban planning order. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Public water supply and sanitation in Hamburg 2016 — Part 3: Sewage sludge Pu...
No description available. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Topographic map 1 : 10 000 - 4445-SO Bönitz (1994)
The topographic map on a scale of 1:10,000 is the basic scale of Brandenburg's topographical maps. The earth's surface is relatively complete (only slightly generalized) and... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Topographic map 1 : 10 000 - 3453-NO Küstrin-Kietz
The topographic maps (TK) are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official property cadastre information system ALKIS and visualised according to... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Development Plan Bramfeld 36 1st Amendment Hamburg
The Ordinance on the Bramfeld 36 development plan of 7 May 1968 (HmbGVBl. p. 108) is amended as follows: 1. The annexed "Annex to the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
The slaughterings in Hamburg in August 2014 — Preliminary results
No description available. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Inland navigation of the Port of Hamburg 2012
No description available. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Digital topographic map 1 : 10 000 - 4354-SW Jerishke
The digital topographic maps (DTK) are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official property cadastre information system ALKIS and visualised... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Bebauungsplan Bredenbeck 8 A (Gemeinde Wennigsen (Deister)
Bebauungsplan Nr. 8 A der Ortschaft Bredenbeck in Wennigsen (Deister) -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Digital topographic map 1 : 10 000 - 3846-NO Zossen - Wünsdorf
The digital topographic maps (DTK) are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official property cadastre information system ALKIS and visualised... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Development plan Heimfeld 7 Hamburg
The development plan Heimfeld 7 for the plan area Eißendorfer Pferdeweg-Haakestraße-Thörlstraße-Denickestraße (district Harburg, district 711) is established. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Digital topographic map 1 : 10 000 - 2652-SO Kamieniec
The digital topographic maps (DTK) are generated from digital landscape and terrain models as well as the official property cadastre information system ALKIS and visualised... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Abfallentsorgung in Hamburg 2022 - Anlagen der Abfallentsorgung
No description available. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Development of turnover and employment in the hospitality industry in Hamburg...
No description available. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Development plan Volksdorf 17 Hamburg
The development plan Volksdorf 17 for the area of application Railways-Claus-Ferck-Straße-In the old Dorfe-Wiesenhöfen- Eulenkrugstraße (district Wandsbek, district 525) is... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Partial development plan TB 897 Hamburg (Repealed)
District: Altona, district: Blankenese, Sülldorf, district: 223, 225 Planned district: Sülldorfer Kirchenweg (Babendiekstraße – Siebenbuchen) -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Topographic map 1 : 10 000 - 4054-NW Guben (1996)
The topographic map on a scale of 1:10,000 is the basic scale of Brandenburg's topographical maps. The earth's surface is relatively complete (only slightly generalized) and...