GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Bebauungsplan "Nördlich Ententeich", Urschrift, Stadt Celle
Bebauungsplan "Nördlich Ententeich", Urschrift, Stadt Celle -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Topographical map 1: 10 000-3839-SO Reppinichen (2009)
The topographic map in the 1:10,000 scale is the basic measure of Brandenburg’s topographic maps. The Earth’s surface is relatively complete (only slightly generalised) and... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
BPlan 058 (überplant durch 1 u. 2 Änd.)
BPlan 058 (überplant durch 1 u. 2 Änd.) -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Sportanlagen der Stadt Schmalkalden
Der Datensatz enthält die Sportanlagen der Stadt Schmalkalden. Es handelt sich um einen Sekundärdatenbestand. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Measurement results for radioactivity in: Sour cherry jam extra (22.1.2021)
Measurement data for monitoring radioactivity in the environment, food and feed -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Eulitorale Muschelbänke im Nationalpark Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer 2...
Kombinierte Karte aus den Begehungen und der Luftbildauswertung, Flächenshape 2007 | Weitere Informationen: Erstellt Bioconsult 2014 | Prüfung: Lageprüfung |... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Maps of the German Empire 1 : 25 000, measuring table blades 3845 Schöneweide
From 1875, the founding year of the Prussian State Recording, the recording began in the style of the measuring table sheets 1: 25,000 and was essentially completed by 1912.... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Measurement results for radioactivity in: Farm game Hirsch (4.5.2021)
Measurement data for monitoring radioactivity in the environment, food and feed -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Topographical map 1: 10 000-3445-NO Berlin — Tegel (2010)
The topographic map in the 1:10,000 scale is the basic measure of Brandenburg’s topographic maps. The Earth’s surface is relatively complete (only slightly generalised) and... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Geology of the Lower Rhine
The area monograph is primarily aimed at the public interested in nature and local history. In addition, the special publication also offers a first overview to geoscientific... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Hochsauerlandkreis Types of use colored
The types of use based on the vector data of the Official Property Cadastral Information System (ALKIS). They are shown in colour. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Measurement results for radioactivity in: Sweet cherries (04.07.2019)
Measurement data for monitoring radioactivity in the environment, food and feed -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Feuerwehren der Gemeinde Rosenthal am Rennsteig
Der Datensatz enthält die Feuerwehrstandorte der Gemeinde Rosenthal am Rennsteig. Es handelt sich um einen Sekundärdatenbestand. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Free-wheeling possibilities for tested dogs according to § 9 Hamburger HundeG
This data set contains the freewheeling possibilities for tested dogs only on paths, paths and lawns in public green and recreational facilities in accordance with § 9(3) of the... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Topographical map 1: 10 000-3245-SW Leegebruch (1996)
The topographic map in the 1:10,000 scale is the basic measure of Brandenburg’s topographic maps. The Earth’s surface is relatively complete (only slightly generalised) and... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Linienverkehr der VWG
Dargestellt sind die Jahresdaten der Anzahl der Fahrgäste, Fahrgäste je Einhunderttausend Einwohner und die Anzahl der gefahrenen Kilometer durch das Oldenburger Busunternehmen... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Investments in companies and businesses in the manufacturing industry, mining...
No description available. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Topographic map 1: 25000 – 4147 Luckau – Uckro (2010)
The topographic map in scale 1:25.000 is a map derived from the basic scale (TK10). The various manifestations of the Earth’s surface are presented in scale-based... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
ATKIS - Digitales Basis-Landschaftsmodell - 3442-NO Nauen - Schwanebeck
The Digital Basic Landscape Model (ATKIS Base DLM) is a digital, object-structured vector dataset. It determines the topographical objects of the real world by location and... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
State Archives Hamburg, 213-12 Public Prosecutor’s Office District Court — Na...
213-12 No. 0073 Volume 003 Part 2: Hand file: Hahn, Ludwig Hermann Karl, Dr. iur., among others, for shooting a Jewish worker on the stairs of the Gestapo building in Warsaw,...