Participation in early childhood education

The share of the population aged 4 to the age when the compulsory primary education starts who is participating in early education. This indicator measures the Education and Training 2020 strategy's headline target to increase the share of children participating in pre-primary education (measured as those between 4 years old and the age for starting compulsory primary education) to at least 95% in 2020. The next table shows the entrance age to the primary education and the age range of the indicator by country: CountryBEBGCZDKDEEEIEELESFRHRITCYLVLTLUHUMTNLATPLPTROSISKFISEUKMKTRISLINOCHEntrance age*67666746667667766566766667756-766766-8Age range4-54-64-54-54-54-64-54-54-54-54-64-54-54-64-64-54-544-54-54-64-54-54-54-54-64-644-54-54-54-64-54-6* Usual entrance age to primary education (Note: this can be earlier than the age of compulsory primary education) Used age range to calculate the participation rate in early childhood education, i.e. age 4 up to the age of compulsory primary education.
