Alternative GRACE-FO LRI Ranging Datasets: AEI-LRI1B and AEI-RTC1B v52

General Introduction: GRACE Follow-On

GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) Follow On is a gravity-measuring satellite pair orbiting Earth in a low-Earth orbit. Gravity information is inferred from distance measurement between the two formation flying satellites. This distance is measured by two instruments: The conventional microwave instrument (MWI) and the novel laser ranging interferometer (LRI). See Sheard et al., 2012 or Abich et al., 2020 for more information.

This Dataset

This dataset contains Level1B-equivalent data products LRI1B and a newly derived Range Thermal Coupling product RTC1B. The data is supplementary to this publication: Misfeldt et al., 2023.

In this dataset derived on 2022-11-15, we provide the most significant outcome of the above publication, which is the newly derived LRI1B-v52 data product. We use a model for the cavity length (and thus the laser frequency) where the cavity resonance frequency exponentially converges to a final value. We furthermore provide the corresponding Range Thermal Coupling (RTC) data product.

The data is available for the time from 2018-December-13 until 2021-December-31. More recent data can be found in this repository.

The data products are further described in the release notes (pdf) available within this dataset.


  • 2022-11-15: Version 1.0, Initial Release
