VisE-D: Visual Event Classification Dataset

VisE-D: Visual Event Classification Dataset

This repository contains the Visual Event Classification Dataset (VisE-D) introduced in the paper:

Eric Müller-Budack, Matthias Springstein, Sherzod Hakimov, Kevin Mrutzek, and Ralph Ewerth: "Ontology-driven Event Type Classification in Images". In: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), IEEE, 2021.


  • VisE-D.tar.gz:
    • List of image URLs with corresponding meta information for the:
      • VisE-D train dataset
      • VisE-D validation dataset
      • VisE-Bing test dataset
      • VisE-Bing test dataset
    • Different versions of the Visual Event Ontology (VisE-O):
      • Initial Ontology
      • Disambiguated Ontology
      • Disambigauted Ontology for Event Nodes related to a minimum of ten Events
      • Refined Ontology
  • VisE-C.tar.gz: Classification baseline (denoted as C) based on the ResNet-50 architecture trained on VisE-D.
  • VisE-CO_cel.tar.gz: Ontology-driven approach with redundancy removal (denoted as CO^{cel}_{6\omega}-RR) based on the ResNet-50 architecture trained on VisE-D.
  • VisE-CO_cos.tar.gz: Ontology-driven approach (denoted as CO^{cos}_{\delta}) based on the ResNet-50 architecture trained on VisE-D.
  • RED.tar.gz: Ontologies and splits for the RED benchmark datasets (Ahsan et al. 2017)
  • SocEID.tar.gz: Ontologies and splits for the SocEID benchmark datasets (Ahsan et al. 2017)
  • WIDER.tar.gz: Ontologies and splits for the WIDER benchmark datasets (Xiong et al. 2015)

Source Code

The source code to reproduce our results can be found on our GitHub page:
