Wake properties and power output of very large wind farms in the German Bight

PALM input files and plot scripts

PALM input files

The input files for the precursor and main simulations can be found in the directory SteeringFiles. They include:

  • a steering file for the initial run (p3d) and the restart run (p3dr)
  • a file that describes the aerodynamic blade properties of the IEA 15 MW wind turbine (_wtm)
  • a static driver (NetCDF file) that describes the wind turbine coordinates and other turbine parameters (_wtmpar)
  • In case SBL-300-7D a large scale forcing file that describes the temperature advection tendencies (_lsf)

The PALM code is available at https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de

Plot scripts

The plot scripts are written in Python 3 and can be found in the directory PlotScripts.
