Wavelength specific behavior of the Western Flower Thrips

The data are part of the MSc-Thesis of Markus Pietruska and Axel Waldherr (Gartenbauwissenschaften) with the title: "Verwendung von LED basierten schmalbandigen Lichtquellen zur Untersuchung der Farbpräferenz von Thripsen" from 2017 at Institute of Horticultural production Systems, Sect. Phytomedicine. All data are count data of recaptured thrips on visual traps.

All data are published 2020 in the journal Insects; title: Wavelength-Specific Behavior of the Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis): Evidence for a Blue-Green Chromatic Mechanism; https://doi.org/10.3390/insects11070423

Detailed methods of data collection and analyses are desribed in the paper and MSc thesis as mentioned above. The files were created by MS Excel 2016.
