Dataset Groups Activity Stream Stable oxygen isotopes measured on Globigerina bulloides from ODP Hole 162-984B BibTex: @dataset{Bartoli_Gretta_and_Sarnthein_Michael_and_Weinelt_Mara_and_Erlenkeuser_Helmut_and_Lea_David_W_and_Garbe-Schönberg_Dieter_2005, author = {Bartoli, Gretta and Sarnthein, Michael and Weinelt, Mara and Erlenkeuser, Helmut and Lea, David W and Garbe-Schönberg, Dieter}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.271193}, institution = {PANGAEA (Geophysics)}, keyword = {'Ocean Gateways'}, title = {Stable oxygen isotopes measured on Globigerina bulloides from ODP Hole 162-984B}, url = {}, year = {2005} }