Age determination of submillennial scale climate events of ODP Hole 146-893A

Evidence is presented from ODP Hole 893A, Santa Barbara Basin for possible synchroneity between Greenland and California Margin submillennial climate change records during Termination 1 and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Planktonic foraminiferal isotope and faunal records are compared to the GISP2 d18O records (Greenland) for the interval between 30 and 10 ka using a new chronology, based on 38 planktonic 14C dates. Apparent synchronous climatic events include: Interstadial (IS) events 2, 3 and 4; A broad warming trend between 21 and 19 ka and a broad cooling trend between 19 and 17 ka; Bølling and Ållerød warm episodes separated by the cooler Older Dryas event; Younger Dryas cool episode; and the Preboreal. The resulting tight correlation supports an intimate teleconnection between Santa Barbara Basin surface waters and Greenland air temperatures. Differences between Greenland and Santa Barbara Basin suggest that some regional variations were superimposed on the global pattern of climate change (e.g. the Pre-Bølling Warming).
