Dataset Groups Activity Stream Seawater carbonate chemistry and Aurelia labita statolith length, width and volume during experiments, 2010 BibTex: @dataset{Winans_Amanda_K_and_Purcell_Jennifer_E_2010, author = {Winans, Amanda K and Purcell, Jennifer E}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.773845}, institution = {PANGAEA (Oceans)}, keyword = {'Animalia', 'Aquaria 20 L', 'Aurelia labiata', 'Benthic animals', 'Benthos', 'Bottles or small containers', 'Cnidaria', 'Coast and continental shelf', 'Growth', 'Laboratory experiment', 'Morphology', 'Single species', 'Temperate', 'Temperature'}, title = {Seawater carbonate chemistry and Aurelia labita statolith length, width and volume during experiments, 2010}, url = {}, year = {2010} }