Dataset Groups Activity Stream Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt27C94.2 (B21) from the North Greenland Traverse BibTex: @dataset{Weißbach_Stefanie_and_Wegner_Anna_and_Opel_Thomas_and_Oerter_Hans_and_Vinther_Bo_Møllesøe_and_Kipfstuhl_Sepp_2016, author = {Weißbach, Stefanie and Wegner, Anna and Opel, Thomas and Oerter, Hans and Vinther, Bo Møllesøe and Kipfstuhl, Sepp}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.849153}, institution = {PANGAEA (Cryosphere)}, title = {Accumulation rate and stable oxygen isotope ratios of ice core ngt27C94.2 (B21) from the North Greenland Traverse}, url = {}, year = {2016} }