Dataset Groups Activity Stream Archaeal 16SrRNA clone sequences of two sediment cores from the Orca Basin, northern Gulf of Mexico BibTex: @dataset{Zhuang_Guang-Chao_and_Elling_Felix_J_and_Nigro_Lisa_M_and_Samarkin_Vladimir_A_and_Joye_Samantha_B_and_Teske_Andreas_P_and_Hinrichs_Kai-Uwe_2016, author = {Zhuang, Guang-Chao and Elling, Felix J and Nigro, Lisa M and Samarkin, Vladimir A and Joye, Samantha B and Teske, Andreas P and Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.859425}, institution = {PANGAEA (Paleontology)}, title = {Archaeal 16SrRNA clone sequences of two sediment cores from the Orca Basin, northern Gulf of Mexico}, url = {}, year = {2016} }