Electromagnetic and related benthic profiles from the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Processed electromagnetic parameters (magnetic susceptibility and electric conductivity) along 33 profiles in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Measurements were taken with the benthic profiler MARUM NERIDIS III. Related parameters are the porosity (according to Archie equation using standard values), concentration of stochiometric magnetite equivalent to the measured susceptibility, electric conductivity and temperature of bottom water (measured with on-board CTD), turbidity (measured with connected turbidity sensor), depth (two measurements with NERIDIS CTD and ship-mounted multibeam where available), relative backscatter (where available, measured with sidescan sonar), lithofacies (based on samples, see Kulgemeyer et al., 2016), distance along the profile, date (according to UTC) and time of the given day in ms (0 = UTC midnight), linenumber, location of points and individual point ID.