A join of 85 physical oceanography CTD profiles with meteorological variables in Potter Cove, Carlini Station, King George Island (Isla 25 de Mayo) during 24 years German-Argentinian cooperation (1991-2015) compiled within IMCONet

FOR DOWNLOAD THE COMPLETE FILE PLEASE USE THE "OTHER VERSION". A joined data set of CTD profiles (conductivity, temperature, density, salinity, voltage and pressure) with metereological variables (daily mean, maximum and minimum air temperature; daily range temperature ?max-min); atmospheric pressure; relative humidity; precipitation; visibility; mean and max wind speed of day; wind gut; direction and cloud cover ) in Potter Cove, Carlini Station, King George Island (Isla 25 de Mayo). Stations have been merged within a neighbourhood of 0-100 m and concerning their membership to a geochemical cluster analysis (https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.856971). 85 stations are remaining from the original data set (doi parent). The depth has been classified into three categories: 0-5 m; 5-15 m and over 15 m. Comment: As soon as there are CTD sample without metereology abailable it exists empty rows. Device used: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO).
