Dataset Groups Activity Stream Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compsoition of Globorotalia inflata of IODP Site 306-U1313 BibTex: @dataset{Voelker_Antje_H_L_and_Rodrigues_Teresa_and_Billups_Katharina_and_Oppo_Delia_W_and_McManus_Jerry_F_and_Stein_Ruediger_and_Hefter_Jens_and_Grimalt_Joan_O_2010, author = {Voelker, Antje H L and Rodrigues, Teresa and Billups, Katharina and Oppo, Delia W and McManus, Jerry F and Stein, Ruediger and Hefter, Jens and Grimalt, Joan O}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.871177}, institution = {PANGAEA (Paleontology)}, title = {Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compsoition of Globorotalia inflata of IODP Site 306-U1313}, url = {}, year = {2010} }