Dataset Groups Activity Stream Net community production in shallow seagrass ecosystem, lower Florida Keys BibTex: @dataset{Yates_Kimberly_Kaye_and_Turk_D_and_Vega-Rodriguez_M_and_Toro-Farmer_G_and_L'Esperance_Chris_and_Melo_N_and_Ramsewak_D_and_Dowd_M_and_Cerdeira_Estrada_S_and_Muller-Karger_Frank_E_and_Herwitz_SR_and_McGillis_W_R_2017, author = {Yates, Kimberly Kaye and Turk, D and Vega-Rodriguez, M and Toro-Farmer, G and L'Esperance, Chris and Melo, N and Ramsewak, D and Dowd, M and Cerdeira Estrada, S and Muller-Karger, Frank E and Herwitz, SR and McGillis, W R}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.872156}, institution = {PANGAEA (Biosphere)}, title = {Net community production in shallow seagrass ecosystem, lower Florida Keys}, url = {}, year = {2017} }