Dataset Groups Activity Stream Crampton test of Streptochilus sp. samples BibTex: @dataset{Kucera_Michal_and_Silye_Lóránd_and_Weiner_Agnes_K_M_and_Darling_Kate_F_and_Lübben_Birgit_and_Holzmann_Maria_and_Pawlowski_Jan_and_Schönfeld_Joachim_and_Morard_Raphael_2017, author = {Kucera, Michal and Silye, Lóránd and Weiner, Agnes K M and Darling, Kate F and Lübben, Birgit and Holzmann, Maria and Pawlowski, Jan and Schönfeld, Joachim and Morard, Raphael}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.873381}, institution = {PANGAEA (Biosphere)}, title = {Crampton test of Streptochilus sp. samples}, url = {}, year = {2017} }