Dataset Groups Activity Stream (Supplement 4) Biological data of Sebastes spp. caught from the North Atlantic BibTex: @dataset{Saha_Atal_and_Hauser_Lorenz_and_Hedeholm_Rasmus_and_Planque_Benjamin_and_Fevolden_Svein-Erik_and_Boje_Jesper_and_Johansen_Torild_2017, author = {Saha, Atal and Hauser, Lorenz and Hedeholm, Rasmus and Planque, Benjamin and Fevolden, Svein-Erik and Boje, Jesper and Johansen, Torild}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.873911}, institution = {PANGAEA (Fisheries)}, title = {(Supplement 4) Biological data of Sebastes spp. caught from the North Atlantic}, url = {}, year = {2017} }