Multicore video and still images collected during POLARSTERN cruise PS101
During the POLARSTERN PS101 cruise to the high Arctic during the Autumn of 2016, a TV multicorer (TVMUC) was deployed on numerous occasions (see cruise report for full breakdown of device use). For 20 of these deployments, the camera system recorded 1280 x 720 video throughout deployment. The camera was placed at an oblique angle most suitable for imaging the penetration of the multicore tubes, but was also suitable for collecting images of seafloor for determination of geological structures and to some extent, fauna community. Following retrieval of the device, frames were extracted from the video stream at 10 second intervals.
For the remaining TVMUC deployments, still images were collected of the seafloor to coincide with cvore penetration.
In this data set, all available video footage recorded with the TVMUC, as well as the extracted image frames, are available for download. USBL positioning (via POSIDONIA) are presented for each image, as well as the track lines for the full collected video data (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.869118).