Dataset Groups Activity Stream Ice rafted debris of sediment core JR244-GC528 BibTex: @dataset{Roberts_Jenny_and_McCave_I_Nick_and_McClymont_Erin_L_and_Kender_Sev_and_Hillenbrand_Claus-Dieter_and_Matano_Ricardo_and_Hodell_David_A_and_Peck_Victoria_L_2017, author = {Roberts, Jenny and McCave, I Nick and McClymont, Erin L and Kender, Sev and Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter and Matano, Ricardo and Hodell, David A and Peck, Victoria L}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.878266}, institution = {PANGAEA (Geophysics)}, title = {Ice rafted debris of sediment core JR244-GC528}, url = {}, year = {2017} }