Daily mean stream temperatures in Central Spain
In total, 21 sites in 9 mountain rivers in the centre of Spain (between the latitudes of 40°18' and 41°21' N). Sites are located in the Tormes River and its tributaries, the Barbellido River, the Gredos Gorge and the Aravalle River (in the Duero Basin); the Cega River and the Pirón River (the Pirón River is a tributary of the Cega River in the larger Duero Basin); the Tagus River, the Gallo River, and the Cabrillas River (all four of which are in the Tagus Basin).
At each study site, water temperatures were recorded every 2 h throughout the year using 31 Hobo Water Temperature Pro v2 (Onset) and Vemco® Minilog data loggers. Loggers were tested for malfunctions before being deployed and were placed at bottom of the streams avoiding direct solar radiation . Depth -these are shallow streams- and position in the stream section were not relevant as it was verified.