Dataset Groups Activity Stream Late Pleistocene isotopes analysis from ODP Site 165-999 BibTex: @dataset{Chalk_Thomas_B_and_Hain_Mathis_P_and_Foster_Gavin_L_and_Rohling_Eelco_J_and_Sexton_Philip_F_and_Badger_Marcus_P_S_and_Cherry_Soraya_G_and_Hasenfratz_Adam_P_and_Haug_Gerald_H_and_Jaccard_Samuel_H_and_Martínez‐García_Alfredo_and_Crespin_Julien_and_Pancost_Richard_D_and_Wilson_Paul_A_2017, author = {Chalk, Thomas B and Hain, Mathis P and Foster, Gavin L and Rohling, Eelco J and Sexton, Philip F and Badger, Marcus P S and Cherry, Soraya G and Hasenfratz, Adam P and Haug, Gerald H and Jaccard, Samuel H and Martínez‐García, Alfredo and Crespin, Julien and Pancost, Richard D and Wilson, Paul A}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.882547}, institution = {PANGAEA (Biological Classification)}, title = {Late Pleistocene isotopes analysis from ODP Site 165-999}, url = {}, year = {2017} }