Paraná River hydrometric data from Rosario City, Argentina: 1875 to 2017

Here we provide the data set obtained as described in detail in Antico et al. (2018, doi:10.1002/2017WR020897); a brief description is presented below. We imaged and digitized paper format official national data of daily Paraná water level observations taken at Rosario City, Argentina, from January 1875 to July 2017. Quality checks were applied to the digitized official daily levels in order to flag suspicious values. A corrected version of the official level data was obtained by eliminating the errors caused by gauge sinkings that may have occurred from 1875 to 1908. A rating curve was obtained for Rosario and it was used to convert official and corrected levels into official and corrected discharges, respectively. The water level and discharge data provided here constitute the longest (last 143 years) continuous hydrometric records of the Paraná River, one of the ten largest rivers in the world.
