Dataset Groups Activity Stream Chloride and sulfate pore water analysis of sediment core GeoB19242-14 BibTex: @dataset{Loher_Markus_and_Pape_Thomas_and_Marcon_Yann_and_Römer_Miriam_and_Wintersteller_Paul_and_Praeg_Daniel_and_Torres_Marta_E_and_Sahling_Heiko_and_Bohrmann_Gerhard_2017, author = {Loher, Markus and Pape, Thomas and Marcon, Yann and Römer, Miriam and Wintersteller, Paul and Praeg, Daniel and Torres, Marta E and Sahling, Heiko and Bohrmann, Gerhard}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.883402}, institution = {PANGAEA (Chemistry)}, title = {Chloride and sulfate pore water analysis of sediment core GeoB19242-14}, url = {}, year = {2017} }