Dataset Groups Activity Stream Late Maastrichtian-early Eocene benthic stable carbon and oxygen isotope records from ODP Site 208-1262, South Atlantic BibTex: @dataset{Barnet_James_S_K_and_Littler_Kate_and_Westerhold_Thomas_and_Kroon_Dick_and_Leng_Melanie_J_and_Bailey_Ian_and_Röhl_Ursula_and_Zachos_James_C_2018, author = {Barnet, James S K and Littler, Kate and Westerhold, Thomas and Kroon, Dick and Leng, Melanie J and Bailey, Ian and Röhl, Ursula and Zachos, James C}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.884585}, institution = {PANGAEA (Paleontology)}, title = {Late Maastrichtian-early Eocene benthic stable carbon and oxygen isotope records from ODP Site 208-1262, South Atlantic}, url = {}, year = {2018} }