Dataset Groups Activity Stream ASD downwelling sky radiance gathered at three turbid estuarine sites (Gironde, La Plata, Scheldt) BibTex: @dataset{Knaeps_Els_and_Doxaran_David_and_Dogliotti_Ana_I_and_Nechad_Bouchra_and_Ruddick_Kevin_and_Raymaekers_Dries_and_Sterckx_Sindy_2018, author = {Knaeps, Els and Doxaran, David and Dogliotti, Ana I and Nechad, Bouchra and Ruddick, Kevin and Raymaekers, Dries and Sterckx, Sindy}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.886270}, institution = {PANGAEA (Human Dimensions)}, title = {ASD downwelling sky radiance gathered at three turbid estuarine sites (Gironde, La Plata, Scheldt)}, url = {}, year = {2018} }