Dataset Groups Activity Stream Morhometric data on benthic foraminifera Oridorsalis umbonatus from IODP sites 183-1135, 198-1210 and 113-690B BibTex: @dataset{Schmidt_Daniela_N_and_Thomas_Ellen_and_Authier_Elisabeth_and_Saunders_David_and_Ridgwell_Andy_2018, author = {Schmidt, Daniela N and Thomas, Ellen and Authier, Elisabeth and Saunders, David and Ridgwell, Andy}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.892913}, institution = {PANGAEA (Biological Classification)}, title = {Morhometric data on benthic foraminifera Oridorsalis umbonatus from IODP sites 183-1135, 198-1210 and 113-690B}, url = {}, year = {2018} }