Dataset Groups Activity Stream Median age, benthic oxygen isotope ratios, and 95% error margin of sediment core GeoB9512-5 BibTex: @dataset{Völpel_Rike_and_Mulitza_Stefan_and_Paul_André_and_Lynch-Stieglitz_Jean_and_Schulz_Michael_2018, author = {Völpel, Rike and Mulitza, Stefan and Paul, André and Lynch-Stieglitz, Jean and Schulz, Michael}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.894312}, institution = {PANGAEA (Paleontology)}, title = {Median age, benthic oxygen isotope ratios, and 95% error margin of sediment core GeoB9512-5}, url = {}, year = {2018} }