Experimentally assessing ecological and evolutionary relative importance to abundance changes observed in an artificial phytoplankton community consisting of E. huxleyi and C. affinis exposed to increased CO2

This dataset includes only information specific to the Eco-Evo assay applied to a long term community selection experiment. The community contained Emiliania huxleyi and Chaetoceros affinis (detailes about Species and genotypes used can be found in DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2016.0774). The long term community selection phase to ambient and high CO2 (400 and 1250ppm, respectively) started on the 10th of January 2017, details about the first 10 semi-continuous batch cycles can be found in DOI:10.1594/PANGAEA.887780. Further the raw data from the subsequent Eco-Evo assay are presented as well as the calculated relative importances of species and genotype sorting. To validate the novel Eco-Evo assay also Reaction Norm based approaches were applied and raw data and calculated values are included in this dataset. Details on assay setup and calculation procedures and validation can be found in the related manuscript. Additional data show abundances in mono species cultures of the same species as used in the community of the long-term experimental selection and their nutrient uptake over one Batch cycle.
