Dataset Groups Activity Stream Determination of phycotoxins in water samples during Uthörn cruise UT201616 (HAB-DK/Limfjord) BibTex: @dataset{Krock_Bernd_and_Voß_Daniela_and_Tillmann_Urban_and_Hansen_Per_Juel_and_Müller_Annegret_and_Kremp_Anke_and_Barrera_Facundo_and_Peteva_Zlatina_2024, author = {Krock, Bernd and Voß, Daniela and Tillmann, Urban and Hansen, Per Juel and Müller, Annegret and Kremp, Anke and Barrera, Facundo and Peteva, Zlatina}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.896496}, institution = {PANGAEA (Chemistry)}, month = {dec}, title = {Determination of phycotoxins in water samples during Uthörn cruise UT201616 (HAB-DK/Limfjord)}, url = {}, year = {2024} }