Late Glacial to Holocene trace metal isotope, (bio-)geochemical, tephrochronologic, and chronologic data from the DEEP sediments of Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania)

This dataset presents Uranium isotope, sediment residence, (bio-)geochemical, tephrochronologic, and chronologic data for the uppermost (<5.52 m composite depth (mcd)) part of the ICDP (International Continental Drilling Program) core “DEEP” (5045-1) from Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania). Uranium isotopes ((²³⁴U/²³⁸U) activity ratios) were analyzed at 16 cm resolution by means of multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after sequential leaching to remove any non-detrital matter, sample dissolution and column exchange chromatography to isolate Uranium from the matrix. Gas sorption analyses were conducted on leached material of selected samples to identify potential controls of surface properties and surface areas (m²/g) on uranium isotope variability, and to calculate sediment residence times of detrital matter in concert with (²³⁴U/²³⁸U) activity ratios. Sediment residence times encompass the time of detrital matter storage in the weathering horizon and fluvial transport prior to final deposition in the lake basin. (Bio-)geochemical and stable isotope data increase the resolution of data published by previous studies and encompasses total organic and total inorganic carbon contents (TOC, TIC at 8 cm resolution), Potassium and Calcium intensities, Titanium-Potassium ratios (XRF core scanning at 2.5 mm resolution), and carbon isotopes of organic matter (δ¹³Corg at 16 cm resolution). We herein also present geochemical fingerprint data from individual glass shards of three cryptotephra layer, which have not been described in the sediments of the DEEP site before.
