HydroC pCO2 measurements during Celtic Explorer cruise CE12010 at station 44ROV12 (Gas Release Experiment)

Raw data of pCO2 measurements during Celtic Explorer cruise CE12010 at station 44ROV12 (Gas Release Experiment). The gas discharge of the gas release experiment was observed in situ during a 4 hour dive with GEOMAR's remotely operated vehicle ROV Kiel 6000 equipped with HD camera/video device and a sonar system. The spread of the dissolved CO2 plume was monitored geochemically using the commercial HydroC pCO2 sensor (S/N 0412-006, Kongsberg Maritime Contros GmbH) mounted to the front porch of the ROV. The sensor was calibrated for pCO2 signals up to 3,000 µatm (accuracy ~1% of reading resolution; resolution: <30 µatm) and was programmed to measure in 60 s intervals, which is equal to the sensor's response time.
