Spatial distribution of demersal and pelagic fishes in the wider Weddell Sea (Antarctica) with links to ArcGIS map packages
Here we provide four ArcGIS map packages with georeferenced files on the spatial distribution of demersal and pelagic fishes in the wider Weddell Sea (Antarctica), which were created in the context of the development of a marine protected area (MPA) in the Weddell Sea.
Antarctic toothfish: The map of Dissostichus mawsoni occurrence probability is based on catch per unit effort (CPUE) data from the database of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) (data request: 03-08-2016) and on bathymetric data from the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO). We fitted a four-parameter Weibull model to the simulated CPUE data per depth interval by means of the R package 'fitdistrplus'. The highest D. mawsoni occurrence probability was shown at depths between 1500 and 2000 m and only approximately 20 % of the Antarctic toothfish population occurred deeper than 2000 m.
Antarctic silverfish: The map of interpolated abundances of Pleuragramma antarctica was based on pelagic trawl survey data, which were collected during "Polarstern" cruises ANT-I/2, ANT-III/3 and in the context of the Lazarev Sea Krill Survey (LAKRIS) ("Polarstern" cruises ANT-XXI/4, ANT-XXIII/6, ANT-XXIV/2). The first mentioned data were provided by V. Siegel (retired; formerly Thünen Institute), the LAKRIS data by H. Flores (AWI). Those data were complemented by benthic trawl survey data, which were collected during seven "Polarstern" cruises between 1996 and 2011 (ANT-XIII/3, ANT-XV/3, ANT-XVII/3, ANT-XIX/5, ANT-XXI/2, ANT-XXIII/8, ANT-XXVII/3) and were provided by R. Knust (AWI) as well as by data on counts of fish species from trawl and dredge samples by Drescher et. (2012), Ekau et al. (2012a, b), Hureau et al. (2012), Kock et al. (2012) and Wöhrmann et al. (2012). An inverse distance weighted interpolation was performed for a 10 nautical mile radius around each record. Areas with highest numbers of P. antarctica (> 36 individuals/1000 m²) occurred offshore Riiser -Larsen Ice Shelf and on the southern Weddell Sea continental shelf offshore Filchner Ice Shelf.
Demersal fish: The map of predicted habitat suitability for demersal fish is based on data, which were collected during seven "Polarstern" cruises between 1996 and 2011 (ANT-XIII/3, ANT-XV/3, ANT-XVII/3, ANT-XIX/5, ANT-XXI/2, ANT-XXIII/8, ANT-XXVII/3) and were provided by R. Knust (AWI). The habitat suitability model was developed by the use of the modelling package "biomod2". Most suitable habitat conditions for demersal fish in the wider Weddell Sea occurred on the continental shelf between approx. 5° and 30°W, on the shelf west and east of the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula as well as around the South Shetland and South Orkney Islands.
Nesting sites of demersal fish: The map on observation of nesting sites of demersal fish is based on data, which were collected during "Polarstern" cruises ANT-XXVII/3, ANT-XXIX/9 and ANT-XXXI/2 and were obtained by T. Lundälv (retired; formerly University of Gothenburg), D. Gerdes (retired; formerly AWI) and E. Riginella (University of Padova), respectively. Those data were complemented by a literature research. Most nesting sites were observed west of 25°W, north of the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and along the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.
More information is given in the working paper WG-EMM-16/03 submitted to the CCAMLR Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management CCAMLR (available at Revised versions of the spatial analysis are described in working paper WG-SAM-17/30 and WS-SM-18/13 submitted to the CCAMLR Working Group on Statistics, Assessments and Modelling and the CCAMLR Workshop on Spatial Management, respectively (available at;