Dataset Groups Activity Stream SST reconstruction for sediment cores HM107-03 and HM107-2732 BibTex: @dataset{Knudsen_Karen_Luise_and_Eiriksson_Jón_and_Jansen_Eystein_and_Jiang_Hui_and_Rytter_Frank_and_Gudmundsdóttir_Esther_Ruth_2019, author = {Knudsen, Karen Luise and Eiriksson, Jón and Jansen, Eystein and Jiang, Hui and Rytter, Frank and Gudmundsdóttir, Esther Ruth}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.900078}, institution = {PANGAEA (Land Surface)}, keyword = {'Benthic foraminifera', 'Last millennium', 'North Icelandic shelf', 'Palaeoceanography', 'Planktonic foraminifera', 'Stable isotopes'}, title = {SST reconstruction for sediment cores HM107-03 and HM107-2732}, url = {}, year = {2019} }