Dataset Groups Activity Stream Near monthly records (1991-2013) of trace element ratios of Porites australiensis from Abu Shosha, Thuwal - central Red Sea BibTex: @dataset{D'Olivo_Juan_Pablo_and_Georgiou_Lucy_and_Falter_James_L_and_DeCarlo_Thomas_M_and_Irigoien_Xabier_and_Voolstra_Christian_R_and_Roder_Cornelia_and_Trotter_Julie_and_McCulloch_Malcolm_T_2019, author = {D'Olivo, Juan Pablo and Georgiou, Lucy and Falter, James L and DeCarlo, Thomas M and Irigoien, Xabier and Voolstra, Christian R and Roder, Cornelia and Trotter, Julie and McCulloch, Malcolm T}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.901184}, institution = {PANGAEA (Biological Classification)}, keyword = {'Bleaching', 'Ca', 'Coral', 'Li', 'Mg', 'Porites', 'Red Sea', 'Sr', 'trace elements'}, title = {Near monthly records (1991-2013) of trace element ratios of Porites australiensis from Abu Shosha, Thuwal - central Red Sea}, url = {}, year = {2019} }